Building strong communication skills in early childhood helps children reach their full potential. A speech and language screening helps ensure a child’s skills are on track, as he or she grows, and keeping pace with what is expected for normal development. A speech and language screening is a snapshot of a child's current speech and language abilities. It offers a brief assessment of a child’s communication skills in the following areas:
A screening may detect the risk of a communication delay. This process promotes early identification and possible intervention.
The Preschool Language Scales-5 (PLS-5) Screening Test is used as the screening tool. Following the screening, ABC Speech Partners would love to further discuss the results and recommendations. ABC Speech Partners values a family’s input and observations, since you know your child best and their interaction was a snapshot.
If recommended, ABC Speech Partners would like the opportunity to support your child and provide early intervention embedded in your child’s school environment. Following the screening, you will be provided the results; however, a written report will not be included.
I give ABC Speech Partners permission to provide speech and language screening services to my child. I understand a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist doing business for ABC Speech Partners will provide screening services for my child and will provide me with the results and recommendations. I acknowledge the screening is not a comprehensive speech and language evaluation.
I give ABC Speech partners permission to consult and provide information about my child's screening results. I understand that there is a cooperative effort between ABC Speech Partners, my child's school, and other specialists involved. Sharing information amongst your child's team, to include the director of school, teachers, physician, and other team specialists, will lead to improved partnerships to best meet your child's needs.
Payment may be completed via Zelle or Venmo. The completed registration form, along with payment, must be received in order for the screening to be completed.
Venmo info: @ABCspeechpartners
Zelle info: