SOCIAL COMPETENCE is developed through social learning. SOCIAL SKILLS are vital in allowing a child to have and maintain positive interactions with others and develop sustaining friendships.
Social skills include spoken language and nonverbal communication, such as gestures and facial expressions. It involves knowing how to behave in social situations and understand both written and implied rules when communicating with others.
AT SOCIAL BUGS, enrolled preschoolers will participate in exciting activities and role playing that stimulates social interactions with peers and addresses social concepts to include whole body listening, making conversation, cooperating in play with peers, making predictions about others intentions, greeting others, making and maintaining friendships, understanding expected social behaviors, turn taking and negotiating, understand and using nonverbal behaviors. Preschoolers will have the opportunity to describe, demonstrate, practice, and promote their social communication skills through songs, games, turn taking, role playing, table-top activities, and gross and fine-motor activities.